Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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Use of ternary operator in Laravel

Case 1

 $filter_country = empty($request->filter_country) ? null : $request->filter_country;
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Case 2

 $filter_sort_by = empty($request->filter_sort_by) ? Item::ITEMS_SORT_BY_NEWEST_CREATED : $request->filter_sort_by;
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Case 3
In blade file

In Laravel, you can use the ternary operator (? :) just like in regular PHP to create conditional expressions. The ternary operator allows you to write shorter, more concise code to handle conditional logic.

Here's an example of how you can use the ternary operator in Laravel:

// Assume you have a variable called $isAdmin that represents whether a user is an administrator or not
$isAdmin = true;

// Using the ternary operator to determine the role
$role = $isAdmin ? 'Administrator' : 'Regular User';

// Output the role
echo $role;
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    $isAdmin = true;

<!-- Using the ternary operator to conditionally render HTML -->
    <h2>{{ $isAdmin ? 'Welcome, Administrator' : 'Welcome, User' }}</h2>
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case 4:
In controller
In a Laravel controller, you can use the ternary operator to perform conditional operations and make decisions based on certain conditions. Here's an example of how you can use the ternary operator in a Laravel controller:

public function index()
    $isAdmin = true;

    $users = $isAdmin ? User::all() : User::where('role', 'user')->get();

    return view('users.index', compact('users'));
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In this example, we have an index method in the controller. We define a boolean variable $isAdmin to represent whether the user is an administrator or not.

Using the ternary operator, we conditionally retrieve the users based on the value of $isAdmin. If $isAdmin is true, we retrieve all users using User::all(). Otherwise, if $isAdmin is false, we use User::where('role', 'user')->get() to retrieve only the users with the role of 'user'.

Finally, we pass the $users variable to the users.index view using the compact function.

You can adapt this example to suit your specific use case and requirements. The ternary operator allows you to write concise and readable code to handle conditional logic in your Laravel controllers.

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