How to deploy a POD
API Resource POD
Min -Max ---1 POD per Node
Make sure that only one POD on every worker
ConfigMap is data that is stored in cluster and that (key-value) can be attached to POD and mounted to container.
kubectl exec helloworld-nginx -n=raj -- ls /etc/nginx/conf.d
kubectl exec helloworld-nginx -n=raj -- more /etc/nginx/conf.d/myconfo.conf
Network loadbalancer -- Network layer
Application loadbalancer -- Application layer
Service is network loadbalancer when selector label of POD matches
Matching PODS with service are loadbalanced by the service (conditions apply)
healthy pods
configured for session affinity -- one user session goes to one pod
can point to things outside the cluster
random load balancing
uses TCP by default
watch curl http:// to check loadbalancing
Type NodePort creates a service that is exposed to node port and at the same time giving a port to outside
kubectl expose deployment my-dep --port=80 --target-port=80 -n=raj --type=NodePort
Loadbalancer is outside the cluster - it is connected to DNS through which the user can access.
NAME based Rule based certificate based - INGRESS rules
Ingress is application loadbalancer
Loadbalancer (outside the cluster) --> Ingress Controller (inside the controller) --> Read the rules in the Ingress --> Redirects traffic based on rules
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