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not coming data in zabbix for mysql

Trying to add mysql server in zabbix monitoring. data not coming in zabbix by using MySQL by Zabbix agent template.
i have done below steps:

step 1:
zabbix agent installation done. agent version 6.0.13

step 2: Copy template_db_mysql.conf into the folder with Zabbix agent configuration (/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/ by default) done. and restart Zabbix agent done.

step 3: Create a MySQL user for monitoring ( at your discretion) done

step 4: Create .my.cnf in the home directory of Zabbix agent for Linux (/var/lib/zabbix by default ) done

step 5: mapped MySQL by Zabbix agent template to host on zabbix dashbord.

getting this error for mysql on zabbix dashboard. only mysql status and mysql version is showing. remaining items not showing data.

Preprocessing failed for: mysql: [Warning] World-writable config file '/var/lib/zabbix/.my.cnf' is ignored..<?xml version="...

  1. Failed: cannot extract XML value with xpath "/resultset/row[field/text()='Aborted_clients']/field[@name='Value']/text()": cannot parse xml value: Start tag expected, '<' not found

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Top comments (3)

rajesh_kumar profile image
Rajesh Kumar

Just follow this

sbapure96_189 profile image

followed the same steps... facing the same issue

rajesh_kumar profile image
Rajesh Kumar