- what are the ways to deploy pod? pod Replication controller Replica set deployment Daemon sets stateful sets
Daemon sets: min and max one pod per node. example for this canal
canal is netwrok plugin for proxy.
similarly we have kube-proxy which acts eternet/bridge.
what is job and cronjob
job we can define the container and it will go off once it is done.
cronjob, we can define the job at regular intervalsconfig map
this is configurations required for service and we can use in service as volume mounts.
its stored in etcd i.e. as key and value pairload balancer
we have n/w load balancer and application load balancer
application load balancer example is ingress.
there were 4 service types
clustered ip
external name
load balancer
with clusteredip we can create load balancer but we need match the selector label
Nodeport will create service of type clusteredtype and will make service available to all hosts
loadbalancer: it is ahead of the cluster and we can redirect to service and then load balancer and to nodes
Ingress: to manage application well we will have to use ingress which is outside of kubernetes and it balances the load
3types are there in ingress
- path based
- Name based
- TLS Based
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