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Suyash Sambhare
Suyash Sambhare

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Install Couchbase Operator on RedHat OpenShift


Log in as RedHat OpenShift System administrator and download the Operator package and unpack it on the same computer where you normally run oc.
The Operator package contains YAML configuration files and command-line tools that you will use to install the Operator.
After unpacking the download, CD into the directory couchbase-autonomous-operator-openshift.2.5-linux_x86_64.

Red Hat requires the use of Red Hat Container Catalog images for OpenShift

$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid system:serviceaccount:couchbase-ns:default added: "default"
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Install the Custom Resource Definitions

Install the custom resource definitions (CRD) that describe the Couchbase resource types.

$ oc create -f crd.yaml
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Install the CouchBase Operator

The operator is composed of two components; a per-cluster dynamic admission controller (DAC) and a per-namespace Operator.

Use the cao create admission command to deploy the DAC after installing the Operator.
The DAC and Operator will be installed into the current project/namespace selected by the oc command.

$ oc projects
$ oc create namespace couchbase-ns
namespace/couchbase-ns created
$ oc project couchbase-ns
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Deployments should have login credentials that allow access to container images.
Provide these by secret:

$ oc create secret docker-registry rh-catalog --docker-username=suyashsambhare --docker-password=**********
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Install the DAC and the Operator:

$ bin/cao create admission --image-pull-secret rh-catalog
$ bin/cao create operator --image-pull-secret rh-catalog
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Installation in different namespaces:

Create two different namespaces

$ oc project dac-ns
$ oc project couch-ns
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Install DAC:

$ oc project dac-ns
$ bin/cao create admission --image-pull-secret rh-catalog
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Install CouchBase Operator:

$ oc project couch-ns
$ bin/cao create operator --image-pull-secret rh-catalog
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Check the Status

The Operator is ready to deploy Couchbase Cluster resources when both the DAC and Operator deployments are fully ready and available.

$ oc get deployments
NAME                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
couchbase-operator             1/1     1            1           8s
couchbase-operator-admission   1/1     1            1           8s

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Install User Permissions

Users will not have permission to create and modify Couchbase custom resources.
Provide a cluster role:

$ oc create -f cluster-role-user.yaml
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Associate the role with a user couch-user:

$ oc create rolebinding couch-user-couchbasecluster --namespace dac-ns --user couch-user --clusterrole couchbasecluster
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You can now log in as the user couch-user and manage Couchbase resources in the dac-ns namespace.

Uninstalling the Operator

$ bin/cao delete operator
$ bin/cao delete admission
$ oc delete -f crd.yaml

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