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Suyash Sambhare
Suyash Sambhare

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Setting up MySQL in OpenShift

Setting up MySQL as pods in Red Hat OpenShift

Many applications require a relational database as a backend. The steps here will show you how to spin up and wipe out a MySQL database using Red Hat OpenShift.

Several databases can be hosted in OpenShift, including Microsoft SQL Server, Couchbase, MongoDB, and more. Today we'll use and set up MySQL. The concepts will be the same for other databases.


Required: OpenShift 4.x up and running and have logged in

List all available templates
oc get templates --namespace openshift

PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare> oc get templates --namespace openshift
NAME                                          DESCRIPTION
         PARAMETERS        OBJECTS
cache-service                                 Red Hat Data Grid is an in-memory, distributed key/value store.
         8 (1 blank)       4
cakephp-mysql-example                         An example CakePHP application with a MySQL database. For more information ab...   21 (4 blank)      8
cakephp-mysql-persistent                      An example CakePHP application with a MySQL database. For more information ab...   22 (4 blank)      9
dancer-mysql-example                          An example Dancer application with a MySQL database. For more information abo...   18 (5 blank)      8
dancer-mysql-persistent                       An example Dancer application with a MySQL database. For more information abo...   19 (5 blank)      9
datagrid-service                              Red Hat Data Grid is an in-memory, distributed key/value store.
         7 (1 blank)       4
django-psql-example                           An example Django application with a PostgreSQL database. For more informatio...   19 (5 blank)      8
django-psql-persistent                        An example Django application with a PostgreSQL database. For more informatio...   20 (5 blank)      9
eap-xp3-basic-s2i                             Example of an application based on JBoss EAP XP. For more information about u...   20 (5 blank)      8
eap-xp4-basic-s2i                             Example of an application based on JBoss EAP XP. For more information about u...   20 (5 blank)      8
eap74-basic-s2i                               An example JBoss Enterprise Application Platform application. For more inform...   20 (5 blank)      8
eap74-https-s2i                               An example JBoss Enterprise Application Platform application configured with...    30 (11 blank)     10
eap74-sso-s2i                                 An example JBoss Enterprise Application Platform application Single Sign-On a...   50 (21 blank)     10
httpd-example                                 An example Apache HTTP Server (httpd) application that serves static content....   10 (3 blank)      5
jenkins-ephemeral                             Jenkins service, without persistent storage....
         12 (all set)      7
jenkins-ephemeral-monitored                   Jenkins service, without persistent storage. ...
         13 (all set)      8
jenkins-persistent                            Jenkins service, with persistent storage....
         14 (all set)      8
jenkins-persistent-monitored                  Jenkins service, with persistent storage. ...
         15 (all set)      9
jws31-tomcat7-basic-s2i                       Application template for JWS applications built using S2I.
         12 (3 blank)      5
jws31-tomcat7-https-s2i                       An example JBoss Web Server application configured for use with https. For mo...   17 (5 blank)      7
jws31-tomcat8-basic-s2i                       An example JBoss Web Server application. For more information about using thi...   12 (3 blank)      5
jws31-tomcat8-https-s2i                       An example JBoss Web Server application. For more information about using thi...   17 (5 blank)      7
jws56-openjdk11-tomcat9-ubi8-basic-s2i        An example JBoss Web Server application. For more information about using thi...   10 (3 blank)      5
jws56-openjdk11-tomcat9-ubi8-https-s2i        An example JBoss Web Server application. For more information about using thi...   15 (5 blank)      7
jws56-openjdk8-tomcat9-ubi8-basic-s2i         An example JBoss Web Server application. For more information about using thi...   10 (3 blank)      5
jws56-openjdk8-tomcat9-ubi8-https-s2i         An example JBoss Web Server application. For more information about using thi...   15 (5 blank)      7
mariadb-ephemeral                             MariaDB database service, without persistent storage. For more information ab...   8 (3 generated)   3
mariadb-persistent                            MariaDB database service, with persistent storage. For more information about...   9 (3 generated)   4
mysql-ephemeral                               MySQL database service, without persistent storage. For more information abou...   8 (3 generated)   3
mysql-persistent                              MySQL database service, with persistent storage. For more information about u...   9 (3 generated)   4
nginx-example                                 An example Nginx HTTP server and a reverse proxy (nginx) application that ser...   10 (3 blank)      5
nodejs-postgresql-example                     An example Node.js application with a PostgreSQL database. For more informati...   18 (4 blank)      8
nodejs-postgresql-persistent                  An example Node.js application with a PostgreSQL database. For more informati...   19 (4 blank)      9
openjdk-web-basic-s2i                         An example Java application using OpenJDK. For more information about using t...   9 (1 blank)       5
postgresql-ephemeral                          PostgreSQL database service, without persistent storage. For more information...   7 (2 generated)   3
postgresql-persistent                         PostgreSQL database service, with persistent storage. For more information ab...   8 (2 generated)   4
rails-pgsql-persistent                        An example Rails application with a PostgreSQL database. For more information...   21 (4 blank)      9
rails-postgresql-example                      An example Rails application with a PostgreSQL database. For more information...   20 (4 blank)      8
react-web-app-example                         Build a basic React Web Application
         9 (1 blank)       5
redis-ephemeral                               Redis in-memory data structure store, without persistent storage. For more in...   5 (1 generated)   3
redis-persistent                              Redis in-memory data structure store, with persistent storage. For more infor...   6 (1 generated)   4
s2i-fuse711-spring-boot-2-camel               Spring Boot 2 and Camel QuickStart. This example demonstrates how you can use...   18 (3 blank)      3
s2i-fuse711-spring-boot-2-camel-rest-3scale   Spring Boot 2, Camel REST DSL and 3Scale QuickStart. This example demonstrate...   19 (3 blank)      5
s2i-fuse711-spring-boot-2-camel-xml           Spring Boot 2 and Camel Xml QuickStart. This example demonstrates how you can...   18 (3 blank)      3
sso75-https                                   An example application based on RH-SSO 7.5 on OpenJDK image. For more informa...   27 (16 blank)     6
sso75-ocp4-x509-https                         An example application based on RH-SSO 7.5 on OpenJDK image. For more informa...   13 (7 blank)      5
sso75-ocp4-x509-postgresql-persistent         An example application based on RH-SSO 7.5 on OpenJDK image. For more informa...   21 (9 blank)      8
sso75-postgresql                              An example application based on RH-SSO 7.5 on OpenJDK image. For more informa...   34 (18 blank)     8
sso75-postgresql-persistent                   An example application based on RH-SSO 7.5 on OpenJDK image. For more informa...   35 (18 blank)     9
sso76-https                                   An example application based on RH-SSO 7.6 on OpenJDK image. For more informa...   27 (16 blank)     6
sso76-ocp3-x509-https                         An example application based on RH-SSO 7.6 on OpenJDK image. For more informa...   13 (7 blank)      4
sso76-ocp3-x509-postgresql-persistent         An example application based on RH-SSO 7.6 on OpenJDK image. For more informa...   24 (9 blank)      9
sso76-ocp4-x509-https                         An example application based on RH-SSO 7.6 on OpenJDK image. For more informa...   13 (7 blank)      5
sso76-ocp4-x509-postgresql-persistent         An example application based on RH-SSO 7.6 on OpenJDK image. For more informa...   21 (9 blank)      8
sso76-postgresql                              An example application based on RH-SSO 7.6 on OpenJDK image. For more informa...   34 (18 blank)     8
sso76-postgresql-persistent                   An example application based on RH-SSO 7.6 on OpenJDK image. For more informa...   35 (18 blank)     9
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Check for MySQL: mysql-ephemeral and mysql-persistent.
Use the mysql-ephemeral template and assign a name to it
oc new-app mysql-ephemeral --name mysql
The --name flag, mysql, is there to make sure the scripts match
OpenShift created a user and password based on the mysql-ephemeral template.

PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare> oc new-app mysql-ephemeral --name mysql
warning: Cannot find git. Ensure that it is installed and in your path. Git is required to work with git repositories.
--> Deploying template "demo-parksmap/mysql-ephemeral" to project demo-parksmap

     MySQL (Ephemeral)
     MySQL database service, without persistent storage. For more information about using this template, including OpenShift considerations, see

     WARNING: Any data stored will be lost upon pod destruction. Only use this template for testing

     The following service(s) have been created in your project: mysql.

            Username: userS2N
            Password: UxdwrXTY7vBmRM1t
       Database Name: sampledb
      Connection URL: mysql://mysql:3306/

     For more information about using this template, including OpenShift considerations, see

     * With parameters:
        * Memory Limit=512Mi
        * Namespace=openshift
        * Database Service Name=mysql
        * MySQL Connection Username=userS2N # generated
        * MySQL Connection Password=UxdwrXTY7vBmRM1t # generated
        * MySQL root user Password=MpuklSsBJRHAUDUM # generated
        * MySQL Database Name=sampledb
        * Version of MySQL Image=8.0-el8

--> Creating resources ...
    secret "mysql" created
    service "mysql" created "mysql" created
--> Success
    Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
     'oc expose service/mysql'
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Run oc status to view your app.

In project demo-parksmap on server https://api.ocpcl.suyi.local:6443

svc/mysql -
  dc/mysql deploys openshift/mysql:8.0-el8
    deployment #1 deployed about a minute ago - 1 pod

https://parksmap-demo-parksmap.apps.ocpcl.suyi.local (redirects) to pod port 8080-tcp (svc/parksmap)
  deployment/parksmap deploys istag/parksmap:1.3.0
    deployment #2 running for 4 months - 1 pod
    deployment #1 deployed 4 months ago

svc/postgresql -
  dc/postgresql deploys openshift/postgresql:10-el8
    deployment #2 deployed 4 months ago - 1 pod
    deployment #1 deployed 4 months ago

1 info identified, use 'oc status --suggest' to see details.    
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You can see a list of your MySQL pods by running the following command:
oc get pods --selector app=mysql

Note the name of the pod and copy it to your computer clipboard.
See all of our pods by using the following command:
oc get pods

PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare> oc get pods
NAME                        READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
mysql-1-deploy              0/1     Completed   0          9m2s
mysql-1-tt7c9               1/1     Running     0          9m1s
parksmap-76d874d689-bqx4z   1/1     Running     0          25d
postgresql-2-5ckgp          1/1     Running     0          24d
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You will notice two MySQL pods.
One pod is dedicated to building the pod that is running MySQL.

Delete the MySQL pod by running the following commands:
oc delete pod {pod-name}
oc get pods

PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare> oc get pods
NAME                        READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
mysql-1-deploy              0/1     Completed   0          9m2s
mysql-1-tt7c9               1/1     Running     0          9m1s
parksmap-76d874d689-bqx4z   1/1     Running     0          25d
postgresql-2-5ckgp          1/1     Running     0          24d
PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare> oc delete pod mysql-1-tt7c9
pod "mysql-1-tt7c9" deleted
PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare> oc get pods
NAME                        READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
mysql-1-deploy              0/1     Completed   0          9m46s
mysql-1-zfg5b               0/1     Running     0          7s
parksmap-76d874d689-bqx4z   1/1     Running     0          25d
postgresql-2-5ckgp          1/1     Running     0          24d
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

A new MySQL pod is now running. This is a demonstration of Kubernetes' self-healing ability, in that it makes sure you have pods up and running. As a developer using a database in a pod, we can use this to our advantage. When we want to start with a clean slate, we can simply delete the pod running MySQL and a new one will appear. Note, however, that this will be a new MySQL pod. All of the previous databases, tables, and data—everything that was stored in the pod—will be gone. This is the "ephemeral" in mysql-ephemeral. The upside is that you know you have zero vestigial artifacts from any previous efforts.

In case you want to save your MySQL in OpenShift and have it not be ephemeral you can use the mysql-persistent template.

Use the oc rsh command, to get inside the pod running MySQL and use the command-line utility to browse the database.
To do this we need to get the pod name and then run oc rsh {pod_name}.
Once inside, we can see that database sampledb is empty.

PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare> oc rsh mysql-1-zfg5b
sh-4.4$ ls
sh-4.4$ mysql -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 20
Server version: 8.0.32 Source distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sampledb           |
| sys                |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> use sampledb;
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

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You're left with some scripts and two files: One file containing test data and the other that builds the table. Put all that code under version control (e.g., Git) and you have artifacts that you can hand over to Operations. Under source control. For repeatable action. We are getting closer to being a unicorn every day, and this is an important step.
You can also make this into code that accepts parameters by creating a utility that accepts parameters and builds all my scripts.


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