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Suyash Sambhare
Suyash Sambhare

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Use roxctl for RedHat ACS

Install the RoxCtl CLI

You can install the roxctl CLI to interact with RHACS from a command-line interface. You can install roxctl on Linux, Windows, or macOS.

Installing the roxctl CLI on Windows

You can install the roxctl CLI binary on Windows by using the following procedure.

Download the latest version of the roxctl CLI:
curl -O

Verify the roxctl version you have installed.
PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare> roxctl version

Set the Environment Variables:
PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare> set ROX_ENDPOINT=central-stackrox.apps.ocpcl.suyash.local:443

Create an Auth Provider

RoxCtl login auth does not authenticate with basic RedHat OpenShift Authentication. You need to create an Auth Provider.

  • If you already have an existing Auth provider such as IBM Verify, Microsoft Active Directory, etc, you can choose to integrate with it.
  • Else navigate to ACM > Platform Configuration > Access Control > Auth Providers > Create auth provider > OpenShift Auth
  • Create a basic auth provider

Login to roxctl

PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare> roxctl central login
Please complete the authorization flow in the browser with an auth provider of your choice.
If no browser window opens, please click on the following URL:

INFO:   Received the following after the authorization flow from Central:
INFO:   Access token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Imp3dGswIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJhdWQiOlsiYmE1MmZmMzAtMTgzYy00ZmRjLWE1NWItYzVlZGQ3YjQ3ZmZmIl0sImV4cCI6MTY5ODgyMDU1NCwiZXh0ZXJuYWxfdXrgQPpiZRdO0577t1-2I6WDRvY4DyjNGkifWVAIOLqAyMvoUv60qp2SQvaW7JG1ICl4CGgm6l3hOJQpjSHnWCpWeLDOVjPvCenKlgd6kDy5VYCbkLUywegS0-GhZT3PQ7Lonubr-szu_6yASv4oMviY5EnVMGfF2nNAEZOuuG1SzvQD0xhOKgXl-uLt2G9ZQ8Cpi3iLq8P-YY_NT1U
INFO:   Access token expiration: 2023-11-01 06:35:54 +0000 UTC
INFO:   Refresh token: providerId=ba52ff30-183c-4fdc-a55b-c5edd7b47fff&providerType=openshift&refreshToken=%7B%22access_token%22%3A%22sha256~qlg7nK72OIlRLrb5vo0owlopiRsgLjX6GzE-mpJFaXM%22%2C%22token_type%22%3A%22Bearer%22%2C%22expiry%22%3A%222023-11-02T06%3A30%3A54.479565394Z%22%7D
INFO:   Successfully persisted the authentication information for central central-stackrox.apps.ocpcl.suyash.local:443.
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You can now use the retrieved access token for all other roxctl commands!

In case the access token is expired and cannot be refreshed, you have to run "roxctl central login" again.

You will still get a Certificate error in the case of self-signed certificates.

PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare> roxctl central whoami
WARN:   The remote endpoint failed TLS validation. This will be a fatal error in future releases.
Please do one of the following at your earliest convenience:
  1. Obtain a valid certificate for your Central instance/Load Balancer.
  2. Use the --ca option to specify a custom CA certificate (PEM format). This Certificate can be obtained by
     running "roxctl central cert".
  3. Update all your roxctl usages to pass the --insecure-skip-tls-verify option, to
     suppress this warning and retain the old behavior of not validating TLS certificates in
     the future (NOT RECOMMENDED).

WARN:   Certificate validation error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
ERROR:  rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = credentials not found: token validation failed
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Fetch the CA Certificate

Use the CA Certificate in subsequent commands to avoid the error.

PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare> roxctl central cert
ERROR:  tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare> roxctl central cert --insecure-skip-tls-verify
INFO:   Issuer: SERIALNUMBER=2285948372658301323,CN=StackRox Certificate Authority
INFO:   Issuer:  SERIALNUMBER=2260987654321301323,CN=StackRox Certificate Authority
INFO:   Not valid before: 2023-07-27 14:50:00 +0000 UTC
INFO:   Not valid after:  2024-07-26 15:50:00 +0000 UTC
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Save the Begin Certificate to End Certificate text in a pem file.
Use this Pem file each time to validate the certificate.

PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare> roxctl central login --ca .\Downloads\roxctl.pem

Please complete the authorization flow in the browser with an auth provider of your choice.
If no browser window opens, please click on the following URL:

INFO:   Received the following after the authorization flow from Central:
INFO:   Access token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Imp3dGswIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJhdWQiOlsiYmE1MmZmMzAtMTgzYy00ZmRjLWE1NWItYzVlZGQ3YjQ3ZmZmIl0sImV4cCI6MTY5ODgyMDc5NywiZXh0ZXJuYWxfdXNhwhjS1_6_p1KjA8lXZs8LAPauDIB59TbefmjLy8qAEwo_sfvMoW6pT9qBw497WaBQo7ioV8pzDRm0qnjko3TaLOeEyJ1JzKXw_IjyV5iXNrk-b3YViulLMTTayi-UN6uBcRdwWN6bWsuuT_m-sIkU_bst1TPybL8rASuD2elxMcX0iqTJ8IdeMTv2actqEfDe5Ont8dllNpzCQpeFagZSnqYW0gPxN7p1DHQRDBjeVdaB6ORjCt_vCnRcK4ZzYgj4mKgbBWwDzW7Co8kG6a6SPvNRaTPZkilWY
INFO:   Access token expiration: 2023-11-01 06:39:57 +0000 UTC
INFO:   Refresh token: providerId=ba52ff30-183c-4fdc-a55b-c5edd7b47fff&providerType=openshift&refreshToken=%7B%22access_token%22%3A%22sha256~P7lxbF_upU2zbCSTkyxljorxq7ihwsD9z-2WtqrdAj8%22%2C%22token_type%22%3A%22Bearer%22%2C%22expiry%22%3A%222023-11-02T06%3A34%3A57.398377433Z%22%7D
INFO:   Successfully persisted the authentication information for central central-stackrox.apps.ocpcl.suyash.local:443.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You can now use the retrieved access token for all other roxctl commands!

In the browser windows authenticate the OpenShift Auth created.
You should see the message:


Roxctl authorization is successful!

You may now close this window.

You can now run roxctl commands.

PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare> roxctl central whoami --ca .\Downloads\roxctl.pem
User name:
 Admin, Analyst, Continuous Integration, Network Graph Viewer, None, Sensor Creator, Vulnerability Management Approver, Vulnerability Management Requester, Vulnerability Report Creator
  rw Access
  rw Administration
  rw Alert
  rw CVE
  rw Cluster
  rw VulnerabilityManagementApprovals
  rw VulnerabilityManagementRequests
  rw WatchedImage
  rw WorkflowAdministration
PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Login using API Token

  • Login to ACS UI and navigate to Platform Configuration > Integrations > Authentication Tokens > API Token > Generate Token
  • Provide a token name and Role for the user.
  • Create the Token and copy the token string to a text file.
  • In Windows Settings navigate to Environment Variables > and set the ROX_API_TOKEN to the token string copied earlier.
  • You can now use roxctl using the token directly.

PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare> roxctl central whoami

WARN:   The remote endpoint failed TLS validation. This will be a fatal error in future releases.
Please do one of the following at your earliest convenience:
  1. Obtain a valid certificate for your Central instance/Load Balancer.
  2. Use the --ca option to specify a custom CA certificate (PEM format). This Certificate can be obtained by
     running "roxctl central cert".
  3. Update all your roxctl usages to pass the --insecure-skip-tls-verify option, to
     suppress this warning and retain the old behavior of not validating TLS certificates in
     the future (NOT RECOMMENDED).

WARN:   Certificate validation error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
User name:
        anonymous bearer token "SuyashToken" with roles [Admin] (jti: 382660f2-7cf6-4a60-9967-a52afcedffe3, expires: 2024-10-26T06:06:06Z)
 Admin, Analyst, Continuous Integration, Network Graph Viewer, None, Sensor Creator, Vulnerability Management Approver, Vulnerability Management Requester, Vulnerability Report Creator
  rw Access
  rw Administration
  rw Alert
  rw CVE
  rw Cluster
  rw ServiceAccount
  rw VulnerabilityManagementApprovals
  rw VulnerabilityManagementRequests
  rw WatchedImage
  rw WorkflowAdministration
PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

To avoid the CA Certificate error provide the previously downloaded pem as a reference to the --ca switch

PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare\Downloads> roxctl central whoami --ca .\roxctl.pem

User name:
        anonymous bearer token "SuyashToken" with roles [Admin] (jti: 382660f2-7cf6-4a60-9967-a52afcedffe3, expires: 2024-10-26T06:06:06Z)
 Admin, Analyst, Continuous Integration, Network Graph Viewer, None, Sensor Creator, Vulnerability Management Approver, Vulnerability Management Requester, Vulnerability Report Creator
  rw Access
  rw Administration
  rw Alert
  rw CVE
  rw Cluster
  rw Secret
  rw ServiceAccount
  rw VulnerabilityManagementApprovals
  rw VulnerabilityManagementRequests
  rw WatchedImage
  rw WorkflowAdministration
PS C:\Users\suyash.sambhare\Downloads>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Congratulations! 🤩🎀🩶
You have successfully installed and authenticated RoxCtl.


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