Debug School

viswanath reddy
viswanath reddy

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Write down list of Top Datadog Agent commands with their usage.

Write down list of Top Datadog Agent commands with their usage

  1. D_AGENT_MAJOR_VERSION=7 DD_API_KEY=DD_SITE="" bash -c "$(curl -L"- This will install the datadog-agent script, Installing API package, Installing datadog-agent package. The package will store under /usr/bin/systemctl

  2. systemctl start datadog-agent - This command is used to start the datadog-agent.

  3. systemctl stop datadog-agent - This command is used for stop the datadog-agent

  4. systemctl restart datadog-agent - This command is used to restart the datadog-agent

  5. systemctl status datadog-agent - This command is used to check the status of datadog-agent i.e active or in-active

  6. cd /etc/datadog-agent/datadog.yaml - This path having the datadog-agent configuration yaml file i.e api key, datadog site etc.

  7. cd /var/log/datadog/agent.log - This path we can check the logs for datadog-agent log files.

  8. datadog-agent config - To check the datadog-agent configurations.

  9. datadog-agent health - To check the status of the datadog-agent

  10. datadog-agent version - To check the datadog-agent version

  11. datadog-agent hostname - To check the daatdog-agent hostname by using this command.

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