1. What is Appium?
a. A performance monitoring tool
b. A mobile automation testing tool
c. A mobile application development framework
d. A mobile app design tool
Answer: b
2. Which programming languages can you use for writing test scripts in Appium?
a. Java, Python, and Ruby
b. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
c. C++ and C#
d. SQL and PHP
Answer: a
3. Which mobile platforms are supported by Appium for testing?
a. Android and iOS
b. Android and Windows Phone
c. iOS and BlackBerry
d. Windows Phone and BlackBerry
Answer: a
4. What is the main purpose of the Appium Inspector tool?
a. To inspect the source code of mobile apps
b. To capture screenshots of mobile devices
c. To visually inspect elements on mobile apps
d. To analyze network traffic on mobile devices
Answer: c
5. Which of the following is a client library for Appium?
a. Appium Server
b. Appium Desktop
c. Appium Driver
d. Appium Client
Answer: d
6. Which Appium component is responsible for interacting with mobile devices?
a. Appium Server
b. Appium Client
c. Appium Inspector
d. Appium Desktop
Answer: a
7. What is the role of the "Desired Capabilities" in Appium?
a. To store the source code of the app
b. To define the desired state of the Appium session
c. To configure the device's Wi-Fi settings
d. To specify the location of the Appium server
Answer: b
8. Which Appium command is used to find an element by its accessibility ID?
a. find_element_by_id
b. find_element_by_name
c. find_element_by_class_name
d. find_element_by_accessibility_id
Answer: d
9. How can you scroll in Appium?
a. Use the "scrollTo" method
b. Use the "swipe" method
c. Use the "find_element" method
d. Use the "rotate" method
Answer: b
10. What is the purpose of the "adb" tool in Appium?
a. To install apps on the device
b. To connect to the Appium server
c. To communicate with Android devices
d. To take screenshots of iOS devices
Answer: c
11. Which Appium command is used to send text to a text field?
a. send_text
b. send_keys
c. type_text
d. enter_text
Answer: b
12. Which Appium command is used to clear text from a text field?
a. clear_text
b. clear
c. clear_field
d. clear_element
Answer: b
13. What is the Appium command to start a mobile app on the device?
a. start_app
b. launch_app
c. open_app
d. run_app
Answer: b
14. Which Appium command is used to close a mobile app?
a. close_app
b. shutdown_app
c. quit_app
d. exit_app
Answer: a
15. How can you wait for an element to be visible in Appium?
a. Use the "waitForElement" command
b. Use the "waitForVisibilityOf" command
c. Use the "waitFor" command
d. Use the "waitForElementToBeVisible" command
Answer: c
16. Which Appium method is used to perform a long press on an element?
a. long_press
b. press
c. tap
d. touch
Answer: b
17. What is the purpose of the "uiautomator" strategy in Appium?
a. To automate UI interactions
b. To interact with the Android device's UI elements
c. To perform gestures on iOS devices
d. To take screenshots of the app
Answer: b
18. What does the "driver.quit()" method do in Appium?
a. Quits the Appium server
b. Closes the app under test and ends the session
c. Clears the device's cache
d. Restarts the device
Answer: b
19. Which Appium command is used to capture a screenshot of the app?
a. capture_screenshot
b. take_screenshot
c. screenshot
d. save_screenshot
Answer: b
20. How can you automate gestures like pinch and zoom in Appium?
a. Use the "zoom" and "pinch" commands
b. Use the "perform" method with multi-touch actions
c. Use the "tap" command
d. Use the "swipe" command
Answer: b
21. What is the purpose of the "App Package" capability in Appium?
a. To specify the package name of the mobile app
b. To specify the path to the app's source code
c. To set the app's background color
d. To define the app's icon
Answer: a
22. What does the "Platform Version" capability specify in Appium?
a. The version of the Appium server
b. The version of the mobile app
c. The version of the mobile operating system
d. The version of the device hardware
Answer: c
23. How can you automate testing on real devices using Appium?
a. Connect real devices to the Appium server via USB
b. Use emulators and simulators only
c. Enable remote access to the devices
d. Appium doesn't support real devices
Answer: a
24. Which Appium method is used to perform a swipe gesture?
a. swipe
b. scroll
c. drag_and_drop
d. flick
Answer: a
25. What is the purpose of the "autoWebview" capability in Appium?
a. To enable or disable automatic switching to webviews
b. To specify the webview's URL
c. To automate web testing
d. To set the browser's homepage
Answer: a
26. How do you inspect the hierarchy of elements in a mobile app using Appium Inspector?
a. Use the "dump" command
b. Select the "Inspect" button
c. Right-click on an element
d. Use the "inspect_element" command
Answer: a
27. Which command is used to install the Appium server on a machine?
a. npm install -g appium
b. appium install
c. appium setup
d. appium start
Answer: a
28. How do you identify elements in mobile apps using XPath in Appium?
a. By using the "find_element_by_xpath" method
b. By using the "find_element_by_id" method
c. By using the "find_element_by_name" method
d. XPath is not supported in Appium
Answer: a
29. What does the "noReset" capability in Appium do?
a. Prevents the app from resetting its data
b. Resets the device after each test
c. Resets the Appium server
d. Stops the Appium server
Answer: a
30. What is the purpose of the "appWaitActivity" capability in Appium?
a. Specifies the activity to wait for after app launch
b. Sets the default waiting time for app launch
c. Defines the app's startup animation
d. Sets the device's default home activity
Answer: a
31. Which Appium command is used to interact with a notification in the notification bar?
a. interact_with_notification
b. open_notification
c. click_notification
d. find_notification
Answer: b
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