Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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Different way to install dependency in react js

Install the csvtojson library using the following command:

npm install csvtojson
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If you're facing issues while installing the csvtojson library, you can try using the --force or --legacy-peer-deps flags to force the installation. Here's how you can use them:

npm install csvtojson --force
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npm install csvtojson --legacy-peer-deps
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The --force flag bypasses some installation checks and forces the installation of the package. The --legacy-peer-deps flag allows the installation to proceed even if there are peer dependency warnings.

To run dependencies in client and server side

  npm i
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run client side

 npm start
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run server side

  npm run dev
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How to connect new connection in mongodb

in env

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In mongodb-compass
Copy MONGO_URI in env and paste in mongodb

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