Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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How to disable and read-only different element of form handling using jquery

Disable input type field while updating password

Disable text content of button based on checkbox

update button text content based on particular button id

Below is a checklist of different ways to disable or make read-only various HTML elements (input, button, label, span, checkbox, dropdown, radio button) using jQuery, along with coding examples:

Input (Text) Field:

// Using prop method
$('#inputField').prop('disabled', true);

// Using attr method
$('#inputField').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
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// Using prop method
$('#inputField').prop('readonly', true);

// Using attr method
$('#inputField').attr('readonly', 'readonly');
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Practical Example

$('#email').val('readonly', true);
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                type: "get",
                data: {},
                url: "{{ url('viewprofile/edit') }}/" + id,
                headers: {
                    "Authorization": "Bearer " + localStorage.getItem('a_u_a_b_t')
                success: function(html) {
                    console.log('now are in success function');
                    $('#email').val('readonly', true);

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// Using prop method
$('#submitButton').prop('disabled', true);

// Using attr method
$('#submitButton').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
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Practical Example

   var buttonId = '#sample_form_pic' + itemId;
 $(buttonId).text('Added').attr('disabled', true);

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var buttonId = '#sample_form_pic' + itemId;

 $('.add_to_cart_form').submit(function(e) {
        e.preventDefault(); // Prevent form submission
        if ($(this).find(':checkbox:checked').length === 0) {
            alert('Please click on a checkbox.'); // Display warning message
        // Get the button ID based on the form's data-item-id attribute

        if (influencerEmail === adminemail) {
    // Both emails are equal, so open an alert pop-up
    alert("publisher cannot order himself");
       } else {
        var buttonId = '#sample_form_pic' + itemId;
 $(buttonId).text('Added').attr('disabled', true);


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Label, Span:
Note: Labels and spans are not interactive elements; they don't have disabled or readonly attributes.


// Using prop method
$('#checkbox').prop('disabled', true);

// Using attr method
$('#checkbox').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
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practical example

  $('.add_to_cart_form').submit(function(e) {
        e.preventDefault(); // Prevent form submission
        var checkbox = $(this).find('input[type="checkbox"]');
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  checkbox.prop('disabled', true);
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html data

<form class="add_to_cart_form" data-item-id="{{ $item->id }}" id="add_to_cart_form"
                    enctype="multipart/form-data" role="form">

                    <div class="social" style="margin-top:40px">
                        <!-- <span class="border border-success"> -->
                        <div class="buttons" id="my_checkbox">
                            @if (!empty($item->face_price))

                            @if (($item->user_email == $item->influencer_email) && (auth()->user()->email == $item->admin_email))  
                            <input type="checkbox"  class="btn" name="face_price" id="" value="{{ $item->face_price }}">
                            <a href="{{$item->facebook}}" target="_blank"> Facebook:</a>
                            &nbsp;${{ $item->face_price }}/post</span><br><br>
                            <input type="hidden" value="" name="">
                            @if (($item->user_email == $item->influencer_email) && (auth()->user()->email == $item->admin_email))  
                            <input type="checkbox" class="btn" name="twitter_price" id=""
                                value="{{ $item->twitter_price }}">&nbsp;
                           <a href="{{$item->twitter}}" target="_blank">
                                Twitter: </a>&nbsp;${{ $item->twitter_price }}/post</span><br><br>
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Dropdown (Select):

// Using prop method
$('#dropdown').prop('disabled', true);

// Using attr method
$('#dropdown').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
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Radio Button:

// Using prop method
$('input[name="radioButton"]').prop('disabled', true);

// Using attr method
$('input[name="radioButton"]').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

Disable All Inputs in a Form:

// Using prop method
$('#formId :input').prop('disabled', true);

// Using attr method
$('#formId :input').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
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Disable All Buttons in a Container:

$('#containerId button').prop('disabled', true);

// Using attr method
$('#containerId button').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
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Disable All Checkboxes in a Section:

// Using prop method

$('#sectionId input[type="checkbox"]').prop('disabled', true);

// Using attr method
$('#sectionId input[type="checkbox"]').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
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Remember to replace the selectors (#inputField, #submitButton, etc.) with the appropriate IDs or classes from your HTML markup.

update button text content based on particular button id

my html code for button

<button type="submit"  
                             class="btn btn-sm  btn-primary" style="position: relative;float:right">Added</button> 
                            <button id="callmyAjaxButton" class="btn btn-sm  btn-primary mr-2"   data-id="{{ $item->id }}"   style="position: relative;float:right" onclick="mySocialClick(this, event)">Add cart</button>                                                 
                            <button id="callAjaxButton" class="btn btn-sm  btn-primary mr-2"   data-id="{{ $item->id }}"   style="position: relative;float:right" onclick="myButtonClick(this, event)">View Price</button> 
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after storing data change button text content based on particular button id

  if ($('#action_button').val() == 'Add') {
        console.log('add action_button click ho rha ha');
        var formData = new FormData(this);

        // Include the selected socials in the FormData
        formData.append('selected_socials', selectedSocials);
        var datasItemId = $('#dataitem_id').val();
        // Log the data to the console
        for (var pair of formData.entries()) {
            console.log(pair[0] + ', ' + pair[1]);
          url: "{{route('') }}",
          method: "POST",
          data: formData,
          contentType: false,
          cache: false,
          processData: false,
          dataType: "json",
          headers: {
            "Authorization": "Bearer " + localStorage.getItem('a_u_a_b_t')
          beforeSend: function() {


          success: function(data) {
           // Handle the response from the server
           var html = '';
           if (data.success) {    
            var prices = data.prices;
        var influencer = data.influencer;
        var publisher =data.publisher; 
        console.log('mera dataitemid', datasItemId);

             $('#callmyAjaxButton[data-id="' + datasItemId + '"]').text('Added');
$('#callmyAjaxButton[data-id="' + datasItemId + '"]').prop('disabled', true).addClass('disabled');
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after checkbox then click button addcart
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