Debug School

rakesh kumar
rakesh kumar

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Java Script Query

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Java Script String Methods

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  1. How to split a string by the last dot in JavaScript?
  2. How to split a string into substrings of N characters in JavaScript?
  3. How to add a string to the beginning and end of a string in JavaScript?
  4. How to split string and remove surrounding spaces in JavaScript?
  5. How to insert string at a specific index of another string in JavaScript?
  6. How to split a string by comma or space in JavaScript?
  7. How to split a string by multiple spaces in JavaScript?
  8. How to split a string without removing delimiter in JavaScript?
  9. scenario where the string doesn't contain a dot.
  10. How to url validation using includes in JavaScript?
  11. How to url validation using lastindex,slice in JavaScript?

Java Script Regular Expression

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  1. What are the JavaScript's built-in methods for performing pattern-matching ?
  2. Explain different type of Regular Expression?
    (i)Character Classes
    (ii)Predefined Character Classes
    (iii) Repetition Quantifiers
    (iv)Position Anchors (Flags)
    (v)Pattern Modifiers (Flags)
    (viii)Word Boundaries

  3. find particular words is available in a string or no of words matches in string ?

  4. how to find and replace space with a hyphen character in a string using regular expression with the JavaScript replace() method:

  5. how to find and replace sentence words in comma using split regular expression with the JavaScript replace() method:
    how to display sentence words using for loop

14.example will match only those names in the names array which start with the letter "J".

  1. find particular words is available in a string or no of words matches in string with g and i modifiers ,Pattern Modifiers Flags?
  2. find particular words is available in a string or no of words matches in string with g and i modifiers ,Pattern Modifiers Flags?
  3. find any of 3 words matches in string?

  4. JavaScript Match Words Starts or Ends with a Pattern Using Regular Expression

19.Differences Between var and let. click here for solution
Java Script Collection
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20.Differences Between set and array
21.Explain set methods
22.Differences Between set and map
22.Explain map methods

23.How to use arrow function in javascriptclick here for solution
asynchronous programming in Javascript
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24.why use JavaScript Promises
25.Explain JavaScript Promises Methods
26.Explain JavaScript Promise Chaining
27.Explain JavaScript Promise all and any
28.Differences Between async and await

JavaScript DOM

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29.How to use Javascript - innerText,Javascript - innerHTML.
30.How to use Javascript - getElementsByTagName() method,getElementsByName(),GetElementsByClassName(),document.getElementById() method

30.Styling DOM Elements in JavaScript using getElementById(),Class Name,Tag Name,CSS Selectors
change paragraph background color,font style.
31.How to use getAttribute() method ,Setting Attributes and Removing Attributes from Html Elements
change paragraph background color,font style.
32.How to Manipulating DOM Elements in JavaScript.

_- change paragraph background color,font style.

  • insert div contain text on button click at the end of children
  • insert div contain text on button click at the beginning children
  • Get Set Inner HTML of an Element on button click and replace existing element
  • Insert HTML Element on button click without Replacing the Existing Content
  • Remove an child Element on button click_

33.How to Accessing the Child Nodes,Parent Nodes,Sibling Nodes.

  • How to Access or set Child text Color using firstChild,lastChild,lastElementChild
  • How to Access or set Child text Color using parentElement,parentNode
  • How to Access or set Child text Color using Sibling Nodes.


34.Explain JavaScript anonymous functions.

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Objet Oriented Programming concept in javaSript.

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  1. Explain JavaScript Prototypal Inheritance. 35.How Implementing JavaScript inheritance using extends and super.

36.How Implementing JavaScript Getters and Setters.

37.Explain JavaScript Computed Property.

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38.why use JavaScript addEventListener().

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